Monday, November 14, 2005


Nice... I'm getting crap for listening to Boston or Van Halen and you are listening to Primus? Without parental reprecussions no less? I guess life isn't fair?

Then when I was on my mission Steven went to that music fireside with Jack Christensen and came home and threw away a bunch of my records and tapes. I think him and Darin Walker might have burned them. I'd say they paid a little TOO CLOSE attention at that fireside.

They are burning Scorpions, Krokus, etc... and those guys are choir boys compared to the stuff out there now. Marilyn Manson makes any group I ever listened to look like a bishopric sitting on the stand....

Primus... very nice. I take crap over a Rush concert... Hmmmm.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Defining Moments...

Nirvana huh? Was that the best I could do? I had some beauty stuff around there. I recall having a certain affinity for Primus when I was in High School. That was some great stuff there... I believe in the music video for one of my more favorite songs, My Name is Mud, the bass guitarist/lead singer was dancing around in a field wearing a pig's head and playing a cello. It was something to behold.

Now, as to the comments of me "getting off easy," I want to publically recall just a few (of many) defining moments of my childhood years:
1. I do believe I held (and probably still hold) the world record for the most incidents of getting 'pantsed' in front of guests ever.
2. At least every day from the ages of 5-13, I was asked, "Have you seen Jr's grades?"
3. Every summer getting kicked out of a bed because someone came home from college.

I must say, I did have it quite a bit easier than most of you did, but that's to be expected with a gifted child such as myself. I guess it is you that I have to thank for the ability I had to stay out until 6am and hardly have Mom stir when I came home, and a few other honors of being a delightful youngest child. I just like to think of myself as being "more loved" than most of you...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Oh ya Junior...

Pink World... good stuff. I'd almost forgotten about Artimus and the Pink World. (Of course by now only you and Jeffrey have any idea what we are talking about)...

Speaking of music... here is another memory or two. I guess we must have just wore mom and dad down over the years, musically speaking. When I was young they made me return the first Boston album. Too hard. They let me slide with the Eagles Hotel California. But they basically protested and hated every album I ever bought... from Van Halen to Journey. And Kiss, forget about it. I didn't even consider buying a Kiss album. Knew it would be gone first time they saw it.

Then I come home from college one weekend, when you were in High school I believe. It was dinner time and it was just you, Mom and Dad eating. I walk in and you are cranking Nirvana at the dinner table. Mom and Dad are just sitting there eating, apparently OBLIVIOUS to the fact that Nirvana was cranking in their ears... Nirvana? They made Kiss look like Choir Boys.

Oh how the times must have changed... I guess they just gave up by the time you came along. I have to take back the Boston album and you get to listen to Nirvana at the dinner table?

More childhood memories

Just had this discussion with our cousin Doug Fox the other day... memories of trips in the big green motor home. If I recall we had three 8 track tapes: Three Dog Night, the Guess Who and I think one other I can't remember. Doug also recalled on one of those trips the big craze at the time was CW McCall's song "Convoy"... and we had CB radios in the vehicles and thought it was cool to talk to the Truckers, etc...

Of course another good motor home memory was the fact that shifting into 2nd gear always made a grinding noise, to which Michael would always respond with "If you can't find 'em grind 'em" or "Grind me a pound"... Pops seemed to be OK with this joke to about Fillmore but after that such a comment was generally greeted with hostility. :-)

Those trips to California with Foxes, Buehners and the Fairbanks nutjobs were classics!! Always good to see Dennis and Aunt Eunice embrace and share the love with each other...

Speaking of CW McCall, there was a song on that album called "Black Bear Road" and Lisa was young and in a clogging class at the time... anyone remember the day we put the "clogging" music on for Lisa to dance to?? :-)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Childhood memories...

I'd like to set the stage--

A weeknight. A young, innocent boy awakes in the late evening from peaceful slumber. He can't figure out why he's awake, but then, from the room next door to his, he hears any and/or all of the following lyrics issuing from the family record player:

there's a pink world
and it's coming down
yeah there's a pink world
and it's coming down
and it rose like an avalanche
and will sweep you away
yes it rose like an avalanche
and will carry us away

It makes me giggle, it makes me giggle, just having my baby around me.It makes me giggle, sometimes I wiggle cause I'm so glad she found me.Sometimes I wake up feeling crabby, she gives me love as sweet as candy.

Porcupine pie, porcupine pie, porcupine pie,
Vanilla soup, a double scoop please.
No, maybe I want, maybe I won't, maybe I will.
The tutti fruit, with fruity blue cheese.

Ah, but porcupine pie, porcupine pie, porcupine pie,
Don't let it get on your jeans,
I know it sounds a little strange, but you got to eat it with gloves--
or your hands will turn green.

Ah, but porcupine pie, porcupine pie, porcupine pie,
It weaves its way through my dreams,
And I do believe I'm gonna have one and leave enough room for dessert,
chicken ripple ice cream.

Now, how can a child even halfway expect to be normal when these are his childhood memories???


The McGhie Family blog has arrived...

Here we are... we have arrived. The McGhie family now is officially set up with a blog.

Welcome to 2005.

Everyone is now welcome to post their thoughts, pictures, memories, etc for everyone to see.
