Tuesday, November 02, 2010

McGhie Deer Hunts of the Past

With the deer hunt recently ending, it got me remembering many past McGhie hunt's... First it was up on what we simply called "the backside"... a place of much suffering and much success. Photo attached is of the Bronc sitting very near to where he killed that big 4 point. That year was the DEATH MARCH when Marty and Dad both dropped deer. Marty, Lucky Morse and myself had a similar death march one year with a buck they killed. The DEEP SNOW year where Charlie, Doug and Dennis were just flock shooting at that whole herd of deer. The year Waldo almost froze to death and was wrapped in one of those solar tin foils deals, can't think of the name. The year we camped in the meadow, only to have a raging blizzard set in and drive us back to the house. Mom was pretty happy to see all of us wet and muddy come charging back into the house at 9:00pm.

The year we slept in the meadow and woke to about 3 inches of frost all over our bags. Some horse guys came through in the dark and said, "Them guys look cold." We were all laying awake FREEZING and someone said, "You're very observant." And we all burst out laughing. They just rode off muttering under their breath. We hauled all kinds of characters up there, Paul Reichert, Tom Patterson, Aaron Fox, and others I'm sure...

We slammed some deer on the backside, missed a few, had some immense suffering and cold up there and a lot of good times!! Then we moved on to Fish Lake were the deep snows and misery would follow us... like the night dad was out cooking our steaks in a snow storm and we were all in playing cards by lantern light... Dad wasn't very amused when every time he'd open the tent flap we'd holler, "Shut the door! It's freezing out there!!" Hauled some more people down there with us... Nate Birchall, Jeff Jensen, Stuart Squires, and others... had some good times on Fish Lake and saw some suffering down there too!! I think some record snow fall storms for that area caught us on top of that mountain two different times. McGhie Deer hunts were truly DROUGHT BUSTERS!!! LOL

Truly some classic McGhie Deer hunts over the years! Great memories!

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