Sunday, October 31, 2010

No Wimps Allowed!

In this world of wimpy folk who refuse to dress up for Halloween, (or other exciting events) it's nice to know that our parents have instilled the sweet memories of elaborate Halloween costumes. When mom had only 4-5 kids she sewed our costumes by hand with sweet anticipation and minimal cursing. After that, the sewing machine became a simple tabletop, with the magic Bernina hidden away. However, her dedication to the best costuming continued.
The Clown costume, Captain Hook, Raggedy Ann and Andy (For this, Marty and I won first prize at the Alpine Elementary costume parade. And as Brent mentioned, it was stiff competition, even if people did not dress up.) There were hobos, scarecrows, Dracula with the signature cornstarch blood that looked so real...
My children claim I traumatized them when they were sent to school in costumes that Grandma had carefully preserved and I happily borrowed. But I felt I was doing them a great service. I had learned that dressing up, though not optional, can be FUN! In the McGhie family, NO Costume Wimps allowed!

1 comment:

Brent McGhie said...

Wow! That one photo of all the little kids with their faces painted white... that's me and a bunch of kids my age. That's Bobby Wilcox front and center, and Mark Smith way at the back. I think he's currently a photographer in Alpine. I had TOTALLY forgotten about that party until I saw this picture. I think it's Kindergarten or First Grade. WOW! Great stuff Sis!! Tons of memories in those photos!!!