Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let us not forget the Blue Truck or as Brent referred to it, the "3 in the Tree."

Remember when we were sitting at breakfast on winter day and we heard the awful sound of metal crushing metal? We all rushed to the kitchen window and looked out to see Waldo standing next to the truck staring in bewilderment at the carnage.

A little background. In case you didn't have the privilege of driving the beast, it was a massive workout to turn the steering wheel. Turning the truck required both hands and a lot of body leverage because of how stiff it was.

It so happened that on that fateful morning, the windshield had about an inch of frost coated to all of the windows. Waldo had scraped a softball sized round hole in the frost that was his only visibility. As near as we could tell, he turned in the driveway and instead of straightening out the truck to park side-by-side to our other car, the truck just kept turning and broadsided our other car. I am guessing he never saw it coming as he peered through the small hole in the frosted windshield.

I am just glad to know that i wasn't the only one that dinged up a McGhie car!


Jeff said...

That brought back a great memory. Almost as fun as when I hit a patch of ice and drove that same blue car through Vance's fence.

Steven McGhie said...

I am surprised you had a chance to drive it much after I took it to BYU as my "college car" and it started billowing white smoke and stopped running. Dad asked if I ever put oil in it and I just stared blankly back and said, "I didn't know you were supposed to put oil in it..."

Needless to say, that provoked an classic response by the Bronc that can't be repeated on family blogs!

Brent McGhie said...

I forgot about Waldo mashing everything with that old truck!! LOL

I just remember coming home from my mission, seeing that old blue truck in the driveway and thinking, "If I don't go get me a truck I'm never gonna get a date in this town!" :)

I remember Steven driving that truck to the Mall in Orem, where he was working in Whitey Anson's store, and they would heckle and torment some guy across the way named Cecil. Fun times!! :)