Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photos of Reno

I couldn't figure out how to attach a photo to my comments on Waldo's dog post, so I'll just have to do it this way... here are a couple of photos of our black lab Reno. -Brent

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Man's Best Friend

I wanted to dedicate this post to dogs that we grew up with.

The first dog I remember is Gyp (short for Gypsie). My only memories of Gyp are being terrified of him. Also I remember hearing lots of stories about Gyp growing up, but I will let those who experienced them first hand share those stories.

Tarver was an Irish Setter who could jump on his hind legs on the trampoline while holding a person's hands with his front paws. Cocoa was a German Shorthair who I believe is credited with helping Gyp to eat the deer that Andy Fox shot and left at our house to be butchered. I don't remember much else about them. Reno was a black lab who disappeared when we were on vacation. We used to sleep outside on the trampoline and at night he would jump up onto the trampoline and find you in the dark. Because he was pitch-black, it was hard to see him until he was right in your face.

Zeke was a Golden Labrador. When we went duck hunting to Farmington Bay, he turned out to be such a lousy retriever that the boys left him out in the bay. Dad had to trudge back into the swamp and find the dog to take him home. He ended up nearly killing Healy's dog and we had to get rid of him. We gave him to the school bus driver who took him to his house in Lehi in the back of his truck. Zeke memorized the way and the next morning we found him on the front porch. He had run home from Lehi. We ended up giving him to an ironworker friend of Dad's in Goshen and had to drive him there in the motorhome so he couldn't memorize the road.

Rambo was a Golden Lab/Retriever mix. He had an intense hatred for the UPS man and would crouch in the grass when he heard the UPS truck going by and then charge the poor guy when he got out of the truck. Our UPS deliveries slowed to a trickle for some time only to be resumed after Rambo died. Rambo used to jump up on the window sill and look in the living room window to watch TV with us. When Dad started cutting the roast on Sunday with an electric knife, Rambo would whine and howl in anticipation, knowing he was getting the scraps.

One of our best dog stories came from a stray labrador that followed me home from school. No one told Dad when he came home from work that we had taken on a stray dog. He woke up early in the morning to drive to Delta for work. It was still dark when he strode across the lawn on the brisk summer morning. The dog ran across the lawn silently and greeted Dad by sticking his cold wet nose between Dad's legs. The greeting nearly launched Dad across the street. Needless to say, we had a stern talking to when he returned from work.

If anyone has any other stories or pictures of our dogs, please feel free to add.